Elderly & Disability Therapy
Having worked with elderly & disabled people for many years I became increasingly aware of how much my advanced massage and bodywork skills could benefit many aspects of many different disabilities. I often find that disabled individuals are not getting access to the ‘hands on’ soft tissue bodywork which would most benefit their condition/s. Stretching is of course very important in disabilities which cause muscles to shorten and/or spasm but there is so much more which can, and should, be done. By incorporating myofascial release, deep tissue massage, structural integration and trigger point therapy much better results can be seen when treating shortened muscles/tendons, muscle spasms, constipation, myofascial pain, arthritis, misshapen bodies and restricted range of joint movement.
Visceral manipulation and myofascial release can be effectively employed to address scarring, post-operative, digestive and organ problems. Relaxing holistic therapies such as reflexology are also a healthy treat for disabled individuals and offer many health benefits, particularly if the client is prone to stress or anxiety. Reflexology can also help with physical problems and pain conditions when direct treatment of the problem area is not possible, or not desired by the client!
Please note: My home clinic is on the ground floor, with easy access via a side door (two small steps) for ambulant clients (or those who can walk a few steps). Parking available on my driveway, next to the clinic. I can do a house call (strictly within 10 miles of Alton), usually on Mondays or Wednesday morning. Please call 07769 666448 to check availability for a home visit (elderly & disabled individuals only). A £10 ‘call out charge’ will be added for clients within 10 miles of Alton, to cover the extra time & travel costs.